In the near future, I will be introducing legislation to reform and strengthen our Veterans Homes in Pennsylvania.
Our veterans homes should be a place where residents will receive the care and support necessary to live a safe, active, and healthy life.  Presently, the Commonwealth has six homes located throughout the state to accommodate veterans from every region.
My legislation will establish a Statewide Veterans Home Advisory Board within the Office of Deputy Adjutant General for Veterans' Affairs.
Powers and Duties of the new Veterans Home Advisory Board will include:
(1)  Serving as an advisory body for the
development and improvement of services, care, and
treatment of residents of veterans homes in accordance with
nationally accepted standards of care.
(2)  Reviewing and making recommendations regarding
the system of standards developed by the office.
(3)  Evaluating and reviewing the standards, practices, and procedures of the office regarding the administration and enforcement of applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
(4)  Evaluating and reviewing financial accountability
standards, policies, and practices to ensure that money is managed appropriately and in the best interests of the residents
(5)  Publishing and distributing an annual report of its activities and any recommendations for the improvement of services, care, and treatment to residents of veterans homes on or before January 1 each year to the Governor and General Assembly.
We must remain diligent in our efforts to ensure that our veterans are treated with the dignity, honor, and respect they deserve while providing the necessary support and oversight needed to help the staff who care for our veterans. 
I do hope you will join me in co-sponsoring this important legislation.

Statutes/Laws affected:
Printer's No. 1085: 51-704(a)
Printer's No. 1109: 51-704(a)
Printer's No. 1912: 51-704(a)