Digest: The Act directs DAS to write workforce plans and work with agencies to carry out those plans. The Act creates a task force to identify uniform terms and functions and directs agencies to change rules to conform rules to the terms and functions the task force has identified. The Act creates a task force to look at and seek changes in KPMs. The Act adds to the SOS audit section teams to focus on small public entities and audits to enhance ROI. (Flesch Readability Score: 72.2).
Directs the Oregon Department of Administrative Services to develop enterprise strategic workforce plans and to work with executive department agencies on implementation. Grants the department the authority to require agency-specific plan implementation and grants the department director the authority to exempt specific agencies from planning programs.
Establishes the Enterprise Definitions and Standards Task Force and authorizes the task force to adopt definitions and standards that are common among agency functions and to identify dormant or obsolete definitions and standards. Requires state agencies to make prospective conforming changes to agency rules. Authorizes the task force to recommend proposed statutory changes to the Legislative Assembly. Sunsets the task force on January 2, 2030.
Establishes reporting requirements for public funds that are distributed by state agencies to private, nonprofit and nongovernmental entities. Provides direction on the use of these reports, and alternative information, to enhance transparency concerning the use of these funds.
Establishes the Key Performance Measure Task Force to make recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of key performance measures in measuring performance-based outcomes and to achieve other outcomes.
Creates the small agency team and the economic impact team within the Secretary of State's Division of Audits and directs that each team be staffed by at least three auditors. Directs that the small agency team focus on conducting audits of small public entities and that the economic impact team focus on conducting audits to maximize economic returns on investment.
Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.