Digest: The Act says what "low-proof spirit beverage" means and that some OLCC licensees can sell low-proof spirit beverages. The Act also says that there is a tax on the sale of a low-proof spirit beverage. (Flesch Readability Score: 65.7).
Allows a licensee, permittee or certificate holder authorized to import, export, sell, distribute, ship or deliver wine to import, export, sell, distribute, ship and deliver low-proof spirit beverages. Defines "low-proof spirit beverages." Conditionally allows a distillery licensee to distribute or deliver low-proof spirit beverages. Allows a distillery licensee to import, manufacture, offer tasting of and make certain sales of low-proof spirit beverages. Allows an importer of distilled liquor to import low-proof spirit beverages.
Imposes a tax on the privilege of engaging in business as a manufacturer or importing distributor of low-proof spirit beverages. Creates exceptions. Makes provisions regarding tax payments, liens and record keeping applicable for low-proof spirit beverages.
Applies to low-proof spirit beverages manufactured or imported on or after January 1, 2026.
Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.