Digest: The Act tells an agency to create a pilot program related to damage caused by wildlife. The Act creates a fund for the pilot program. The Act gives money to the agency for the pilot program. (Flesch Readability Score: 74.8).
Directs the State Department of Agriculture to establish a wildlife damage prevention and compensation pilot program.
Establishes the Wildlife Damage Prevention and Compensation Fund in the State Treasury. Continuously appropriates moneys in the fund to the department for implementing the program.
Sunsets the program and fund on January 2, 2030.
Directs the department and the State Department of Fish and Wildlife to report on the program to committees or interim committees of the Legislative Assembly related to natural resources on or before September 15, 2028.
Appropriates moneys to the State Department of Agriculture for implementing the program.
Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.