Digest: The Act tells the EMS Program to make a 10-year plan and give money to some EMS providers. The Act also makes Oregon join a compact to let EMS providers from other states work in this state. The Act also tells the program to give money to some areas of the state to make EMS better. The Act lets the Governor use EMS resources for emergencies in this state. (Flesch Readability Score: 76.6).
Directs the Emergency Medical Services Program to develop a state emergency medical services 10-year strategic plan. Sunsets on January 2, 2037.
Directs the program to provide loan repayment subsidies to licensed emergency medical services providers. Directs the program to subsidize the cost of obtaining an emergency medical services provider license. Enacts the EMS Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact. Permits the Oregon Health Authority to disclose specified information to the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice. Exempts individuals authorized to work as emergency medical services providers from the requirement to obtain a license from the authority. Allows the authority to use moneys to meet the financial obligations imposed on the State of Oregon as a result of participation in the compact. Requires an entity to provide a labor peace agreement prior to engaging certain individuals authorized under compact privilege to practice as emergency medical services providers. Sunsets on January 2, 2030.
Allows the program to award funding to each regional emergency medical services advisory board for innovation proposals to improve emergency medical services within the emergency medical services regions. Accepts specified emergency medical services training programs and apprenticeships as sufficient for meeting certain emergency medical services provider education requirements for licensure. Allows the Governor to assign and make available for use any emergency medical services resources and equipment in response to an emergency for which emergency medical services are required. Establishes the Emergency Medical Services Mobilization Advisory Board to advise the Governor on the mobilization of emergency medical services in this state. Changes the "Pediatric Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee" to the "Emergency Medical Services for Children Advisory Committee."
Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 682.208, 682.216, 676.177, 682.204