Digest: The Act makes some changes to the laws about sign language interpreters. The Act says the SBSLI can start two new types of sign language interpreter licenses. (Flesch Readability Score: 70.9).
Allows the State Board of Sign Language Interpreters to establish by rule criteria for the issuance of a supervisory sign language interpreter license or sign language interpreter license by endorsement. Directs the Health Licensing Office to issue a sign language interpreter-in-training license to a qualified applicant. Allows a specified person to provide signed language interpretation services on a temporary basis without a license. Directs the board to establish licensure fees. Repeals the specialty sign language interpreter licenses.
Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 676.753, 676.756, 676.759, 676.771, 676.783, 676.786