Digest: Creates a public company to take and securely hold cash from people who do business in cash. Tells the company what its powers and functions are. Creates a fund the public company can use to carry out its functions. Tells the Secretary of State to audit the public company each year. Tells the Attorney General to defend the public company against actions brought against the company as it carries out its functions. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.0).
Establishes the Oregon Cash Depository Corporation as an independent public corporation and prescribes the corporation's purposes and powers. Directs the corporation to lease or acquire real property and construct or renovate offices, facilities and business locations throughout the state at which the corporation receives, handles, stores and dispenses cash and other valuable property.
Establishes the Oregon Cash Depository Corporation Fund in the State Treasury and requires the corporation to deposit all moneys the corporation receives into the fund. Permits the corporation to invest the moneys in the fund and a fraction of the corporation's deposits in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
Subjects the corporation to an annual audit by the Secretary of State and requires the corporation to respond to the recommendations in the audit report. Requires a study of the corporation's operations every four years and a report to the Legislative Assembly.
Requires the Attorney General to defend the corporation and the directors, officers and employees of the corporation against a claim or charge brought for actions in performing the duties of the corporation.
Becomes operative January 1, 2026.
Declares an emergency, effective on passage.