Digest: This Act allows for denser home building in cities and requires the LCDC to adopt rules. (Flesch Readability Score: 68.9).
Expands allowable middle housing and expands middle housing requirements to include urban unincorporated lands.
Expands allowable single room occupancies.
Makes retroactive the prohibition on private restrictions, including restrictions in governing documents of planned communities, that would limit middle housing, accessory dwelling units or housing density.
Limits a local government's ability to reduce density requirements or allowances within urban growth boundaries.
Reforms expedited land division provisions and makes such divisions land use decisions.
Allows for plats that consolidate a land division and a middle housing land division and requires review within 120 days.
Requires the Land Conservation and Development Commission to adopt rules by January 1, 2028, to promote housing development and implement various provisions of this Act.
Declares an emergency, effective on passage.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 197A.420, 197A.430, 93.277, 94.776, 197A.200, 92.044, 197.360, 197.365, 34.020, 34.102, 184.633, 197.090, 197.200, 197.245, 197.625, 197.724, 197.794, 197.796, 197.825, 197A.465, 197A.470, 215.402, 215.416, 215.429, 223.299, 227.160, 227.173, 227.179, 227.184, 421.649, 476.394