Digest: Moves certain duties, functions and powers of state education from TSPC and EAC to ODE. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.8).
Transfers certain duties, functions and powers related to teaching, administrative and personnel licensure from the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission to the Department of Education. Retains commission duties, functions and powers related to licensure standards and licensee discipline.
Directs the Department of Education to establish the Educator Advancement Council.
Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 342.350, 181A.180, 326.726, 329.496, 329.603, 329.788, 336.635, 338.120, 338.135, 339.250, 339.372, 339.374, 339.378, 339.388, 339.389, 339.390, 339.391, 341.535, 342.120, 342.121, 342.122, 342.123, 342.125, 342.127, 342.130, 342.136, 342.137, 342.138, 342.143, 342.144, 342.147, 342.153, 342.165, 342.173, 342.175, 342.176, 342.177, 342.183, 342.192, 342.195, 342.200, 342.202, 342.203, 342.223, 342.390, 342.420, 342.425, 342.430, 342.443, 342.455, 342.465, 342.475, 342.485, 342.553, 342.621, 342.856, 342.971, 343.328, 344.059, 348.295, 419B.019, 675.520, 676.866, 681.230, 681.360