Digest: This Act excludes glass wine containers from a law that tells producers to take steps to dispose of their packaging. The exclusion lasts for one year. (Flesch Readability Score: 76.5).
Digest: This Act tells the DEQ not to enforce certain laws related to wine packaging. The Act sunsets on July 1, 2026. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.2).]
Prohibits the Department of Environmental Quality from enforcing the provisions of the producer responsibility program applicable to wine packaging.]
Sunsets on July 1, 2026.]
Excludes glass wine containers from definition of "covered product" under producer responsibility law until July 1, 2026.
Directs Environmental Quality Commission to amend material-specific collection targets for glass.
Directs producer responsibility organization to charge one-time fee to members that are producers of glass wine containers.
Declares an emergency, effective on passage.Statutes affected: A-Engrossed: 459A.863, 459A.860