Transfers moneys from Public Employees' Revolving Fund to General Fund for general governmental purposes.] Removes requirement for boards and other entities to report to Emergency Board prior to adopting fees. Transfers specified moneys to General Fund for general governmental purposes. Extends sunset for tide gate grant program. Modifies maximum number of state employees. Extends deadline for operation of certain projects by State Forestry Department. Directs disposition of proceeds from specified legal settlements. Modifies maximum reimbursement rate for student vision screening. Specifies manner of transfer of revenues to Drug Treatment and Recovery Services Fund. Modifies continuous appropriation of moneys in Early Learning Account. Creates fund for fire mobilization costs. Repeals provisions relating to financing of Interstate 5 bridge replacement project. Modifies certain Oregon Health Authority programs to provide reimbursements instead of grants. Declares emergency, effective on passage.

Statutes affected:
A-Engrossed: 92.365, 92.415, 100.670, 350.175, 438.130, 448.410, 448.450, 453.408, 453.894, 459.236, 459.305, 465.386, 480.127, 480.130, 673.685, 675.115, 675.571, 675.785, 676.625, 677.265, 678.410, 679.120, 679.615, 680.075, 685.100, 686.255, 686.600, 692.160, 701.238, 731.804, 776.355, 776.800, 240.185, 336.211, 305.231, 476.055
Enrolled: 92.365, 92.415, 100.670, 350.175, 438.130, 448.410, 448.450, 453.408, 453.894, 459.236, 459.305, 465.386, 480.127, 480.130, 673.685, 675.115, 675.571, 675.785, 676.625, 677.265, 678.410, 679.120, 679.615, 680.075, 685.100, 686.255, 686.600, 692.160, 701.238, 731.804, 776.355, 776.800, 240.185, 336.211, 305.231, 476.055