Makes certain changes concerning water quality permits for confined animal feeding operations.
Authorizes State Department of Agriculture to issue nutrient application permits.
Requires persons that apply for water quality permits for certain confined animal feeding operations to submit water supply plans.
Makes certain changes to exemption from certain water laws for stockwatering. Sunsets changes on September 15, 2027.
Requires Department of Environmental Quality to report on findings of United States Environmental Protection Agency study relating to confined animal feeding operations to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to agriculture not more than 180 days after study is finalized.
Establishes certain requirements concerning land use compatibility statements related to proposed confined animal feeding operations.
Authorizes governing body of city or county to require setback or buffer between proposed confined animal feeding operation and adjacent land parcels in specified circumstances.
Appropriates moneys to State Department of Agriculture and Department of Environmental Quality for purposes related to permitting and report.
Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Statutes affected: A-Engrossed: 468B.050, 468B.215, 468B.200, 537.545
B-Engrossed: 468B.050, 468B.215, 468B.200, 537.545
Enrolled: 468B.050, 468B.215, 468B.200, 537.545