Directs public bodies to perform search, review and duplication work in responding to public records requests in least expensive manner reasonably possible. Limits hourly rate of compensation that may be charged for public record search, review and duplication work.
Requires public body to provide explanation of basis of fee if explanation is sought by public records requester.
Enumerates factors public body may take into account in determining to waive or reduce fees, although authorizes public records custodian to waive or reduce fees for any reason. Requires custodian to furnish copy of public record without charge if disclosure primarily benefits general public unless disclosure outweighed by substantial prejudice to custodian or if waiver would prevent custodian from performing other required functions. Provides that public records request by representative of news media is assumed to be in public interest unless custodian demonstrates, in particular instance, that request is not in public interest.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 192.324, 192.329, 147.421, 192.464, 802.183