Requires owner of real property where site of unlawful manufacture of marijuana or unlawful production of marijuana is located to clean up waste from site upon receipt of notification from law enforcement agency. Provides that failure to timely complete cleanup is public nuisance. Authorizes local government to take certain actions to abate public nuisance, including filing claim of lien against real property.
Prohibits use of water at location not licensed or registered for growing of cannabis. Allows Water Resources Commission to impose civil penalty for violation. Punishes by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both.
Allows use of mobile tracking device and pen register and law enforcement interception of oral communications in specified circumstances. Increases penalties for possession or manufacture of marijuana in specified quantities. Creates crimes of marijuana offense involving reckless unlawful conduct and marijuana offense involving knowing unlawful conduct. Punishes by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both.
Repeals sunset on provisions related to unlawful production of marijuana.
Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Statutes affected:
Introduced: 475C.005, 133.619, 133.726, 165.663, 475C.337, 475C.341, 475C.349, 475C.353
A-Engrossed: 475C.005, 133.619, 133.726, 165.663, 475C.337, 475C.341, 475C.349, 475C.353
Minority Report A-Engrossed: 475C.005, 133.619, 133.726, 165.663, 475C.337, 475C.341, 475C.349, 475C.353, 475C.037, 475C.065, 475C.770, 475C.792
Enrolled: 475C.005, 133.619, 133.726, 165.663, 475C.337, 475C.341, 475C.349, 475C.353