Alters composition of governing board at public universities. Establishes process by which undergraduate student, graduate student, faculty and nonfaculty staff may be nominated for membership on governing board, with candidates' names provided to Governor for consideration.
Requires each governing board to formally adopt enumerated policies regarding university governance. Requires each public university to submit
annual] report
by July 2, 2024, and July 2, 2025, to interim committees of Legislative Assembly relating to higher education detailing degree to which public university has complied with drafting required formal policies and fulfilling obligations contained in policies.
Requires Higher Education Coordinating Commission to provide specified meeting and training opportunities for members of governing boards.
Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Statutes affected: A-Engrossed: 352.076, 352.025
B-Engrossed: 352.076, 352.025
Enrolled: 352.076, 352.025