Increases privilege taxes imposed upon manufacturer or importing distributor of malt beverages, wine or cider. Provides for distribution of portion of increased revenues to Oregon Health Authority for purpose of funding behavioral health and substance use programs. Holds harmless cities and counties currently receiving distributions of tax revenues from malt beverages, wine or cider. Establishes Addiction Crisis Recovery Fund. Prescribes uses of fund. Requires revenues from increased taxes to be deposited in fund. Requires biennial increase of markup prices for distilled liquor sold in state. Requires amounts due to increase to be deposited in fund. Revises distribution amounts from Oregon Liquor Control Commission Account.
Applies to manufacture or distribution of malt beverages, wine or cider occurring on or after January 1, 2022.
Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 473.030, 473.035, 471.810, 473.047, 473.065, 576.877, 471.805