The proposed bill, known as the "Natural Gas Utility Infrastructure Cost Recovery Act of 2025," establishes a framework for natural gas utilities in Oklahoma to seek pre-approval from the Corporation Commission for investments in energy infrastructure facilities. This includes the construction, purchase, or interconnection of facilities related to natural gas and alternative fuels, such as renewable natural gas and hydrogen. The bill defines key terms, such as "Energy Infrastructure Facility" and "Public interest," and outlines the process for utilities to file applications, which the Commission must review and decide upon within 240 days. Additionally, it allows for the assessment of costs associated with the application process by both the Corporation Commission staff and the Office of the Attorney General.

The bill mandates the Corporation Commission to create rules for implementing these provisions, which must be transmitted to the Legislature by April 1, 2026. These rules will address the recovery of costs associated with the assessments, the timely review and approval of facility costs, and the information required from utilities when filing applications. Furthermore, the Commission may consider allowing utilities to recover expenses related to construction work in progress before the facilities become operational. The act is set to take effect on November 1, 2025.