The bill amends 21 O.S. 2021, Section 1277, to clarify the regulations surrounding the carrying of firearms on public college, university, and technology center school properties. It authorizes individuals with valid handgun licenses to carry concealed handguns on these properties, while allowing institutions to prohibit certain individuals from carrying firearms into event venues. The bill removes the requirement for written consent to carry firearms on these properties, eliminates the obligation to notify the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation of violations, and removes administrative fines and the option to suspend handgun licenses. Additionally, it provides immunity from liability for public and private educational institutions regarding accidental discharges or acts of self-defense involving firearms.

The bill also defines the term "event venue" and establishes that public colleges, universities, and technology centers can set policies regarding the carrying of firearms, provided they do not prohibit individuals with valid handgun licenses from carrying. It clarifies that institutions are not responsible for any losses or damages related to firearms on their properties. The effective date for this legislation is set for November 1, 2025.