The bill amends Section 11-103.6 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes to enhance high school curriculum requirements by mandating that students complete one unit of computer science or a career technology program as part of their graduation criteria. It allows computer science courses to fulfill other curriculum requirements and requires the State Department of Education to develop rules regarding emerging computer science technologies. The bill also specifies competencies and curriculum units necessary for graduation, emphasizing the importance of preparing students for active citizenship and successful postsecondary education without remedial coursework.

Additionally, the bill introduces new definitions related to educational methodologies and course types, such as "contextual methodology" and "qualified agricultural education courses," while emphasizing academic rigor. It provides provisions for students who do not meet graduation requirements to re-enroll for remediation and ensures that all levels of the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Computer Science include instruction on emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence. The bill is set to take effect on July 1, 2025, with an emergency clause for immediate implementation upon passage and approval.