This bill addresses the use of eminent domain in Oklahoma, establishing stricter definitions and limitations on the taking of private property. It defines "public use" to include various governmental and public utility purposes, remediation of blighted properties, and possession of abandoned properties. The bill stipulates that private property cannot be taken unless it is necessary for a defined public use and that just compensation must be provided. It also clarifies that economic development alone does not qualify as a public use, and it prohibits governmental bodies from exercising eminent domain powers without statutory authority. Additionally, the bill allows for judicial review of condemnation actions.

The bill amends existing statutes to replace the term "purposes" with "uses" in the context of property condemnation and clarifies the procedures for reselling surplus property that was taken under eminent domain. Specifically, it requires that if property taken is not used for the intended public use, it must first be offered back to the original owner or their heirs at the appraised value. The bill will take effect on November 1, 2025.