This bill amends 70 O.S. 2021, Section 3-151.1, to establish a uniform definition of high school graduation rates applicable to school districts, secondary schools, and charter schools in Oklahoma. The State Board of Education is tasked with adopting a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate and an extended-year adjusted cohort graduation rate, which will be reported at the charter school and secondary school site levels, as well as in aggregate and disaggregated by subgroups as required by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. The bill also updates statutory references and provides specific forms of written or electronic confirmation that can be used to remove a student from a cohort.

Additionally, the bill outlines the criteria for confirming a student's transfer, emigration, or death, which includes documentation of enrollment in another educational program or school, official records of transfer requests, and written confirmation from a parent or guardian. The extended-year adjusted cohort graduation rate is defined to include students who graduate within four or five years, with adjustments made for transfers in and out of the cohort. The act is set to take effect on July 1, 2025, and includes an emergency clause for immediate implementation upon passage and approval.