This bill establishes new procedures for analyzing the impact of proposed mandates on health benefit plans in Oklahoma. It defines key terms such as "Bureau," "Department," "Health benefit plan," and "Mandate," and directs that any bill introducing a mandate must be assigned to the appropriate insurance committee. If a majority of the committee opposes the bill or it does not receive a hearing, no impact analysis will be required, and the bill cannot proceed. Conversely, if the committee supports further consideration, an impact analysis must be conducted by the Oklahoma Insurance Department, which is required to return a report within sixty days.

The report must cover various aspects, including social impact, medical efficacy, and financial implications, and may involve contracting with third-party vendors for specialized services. The bill also limits the number of referrals for analysis to five per fiscal year unless additional requests are approved in writing by the Department. Once the analysis is completed, the Bureau is responsible for distributing the report to relevant parties and making it publicly accessible. The act is set to take effect on November 1, 2025.