Resolution 9, introduced by Guthrie, directs the Secretary of State to present to the voters a proposal to repeal Section 3 of Article VII-B of the Oklahoma Constitution, which pertains to the Judicial Nominating Commission. The resolution also proposes amendments to Sections 1, 2, and 4 of Article VII-B, which would change the process for appointing justices and judges of the Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeals, and Court of Civil Appeals. Key changes include requiring Senate confirmation for judicial appointments, establishing that judges serve during good behavior, and ensuring that their compensation cannot be decreased while in office.

The proposed amendments aim to align Oklahoma's judicial appointment process more closely with that of the federal system, where the Governor nominates judges with Senate approval. The resolution outlines the procedure for judicial retention elections, allowing judges to seek re-election without party designation. If approved by voters, these changes would take effect after November 5, 2025, and would eliminate the existing Judicial Nominating Commission, thereby streamlining the appointment process for judicial positions in the state.