This bill amends the Administrative Procedures Act by establishing a new requirement for state agencies in Oklahoma regarding federal rules and regulations. Upon receiving a federal mandate to adopt or comply with a new or revised rule, agencies must promptly notify all members of the Legislature and the Governor via electronic mail. The Legislature is granted the authority to disapprove such federal rules through a joint resolution, and if disapproved, the agency is prohibited from following or interpreting the rule. Any federal regulation that is disapproved while the Legislature is not in session will be considered null and void. Additionally, the bill stipulates that if a federal rule is vetoed by the Governor and the veto is not overridden, it will be deemed authorized for compliance.

Furthermore, the bill provides immunity from liability for state agencies and their employees who adhere to these provisions. It clarifies that any rights or privileges established under federal regulations prior to legislative disapproval will remain intact, ensuring that individuals are not adversely affected by subsequent legislative actions. The bill is set to take effect on November 1, 2025.