This bill amends various sections of the Oklahoma Statutes related to the Political Subdivisions Opioid Abatement Grants Act, specifically focusing on definitions, the Oklahoma Opioid Abatement Revolving Fund, and the disbursement of grants. Key modifications include the addition of new definitions for "approved purpose," which now encompasses uses authorized by opioid-related settlement agreements involving the State of Oklahoma, and the clarification of the term "political subdivision" to include boards of regents or trustees of state educational institutions. The bill also updates the definition of "opioid funds" and establishes that the Purdue Political Subdivision Fund will be maintained separately within the Oklahoma Opioid Abatement Revolving Fund.

Furthermore, the bill allows the Office of the Attorney General to allocate up to 10% of the funds from the Oklahoma Opioid Abatement Revolving Fund for statewide opioid abatement projects that meet approved uses. It broadens the criteria for disbursement of opioid grant awards to include additional factors such as opioid overdose deaths and distribution rates. The bill also stipulates that any remaining unencumbered balance in the fund can be awarded as grants to eligible participants for approved purposes. The effective date for these changes is set for November 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 74-30.5, 74-30.8