The resolution from the Ohio Senate urges the U.S. Congress to provide prompt and comprehensive mental health treatment for military personnel and veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other service-related stress disorders. It highlights the alarming statistics regarding mental health issues among returning troops, particularly the high rates of suicide compared to combat fatalities. The resolution emphasizes the need for qualified medical professionals to oversee mental health treatment and calls for the implementation of recommendations from the U.S. Government Accountability Office to ensure that mental health considerations are taken into account when separating service members from the military.

Additionally, the resolution advocates for the correction of military records for those discharged due to mental health issues, ensuring they receive a more honorable discharge. It also asserts that post-military civilian income should not affect eligibility for healthcare benefits. The Ohio Senate expresses its commitment to supporting military personnel and veterans in accessing necessary resources and services for their mental health needs and directs the Clerk of the Senate to transmit copies of the resolution to relevant federal officials and the media.