As Offered
136th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 8
Representative Manning
Relative to the appointment and salaries of the 1
officials and employees of the House of 2
Representatives and empowering the Majority Caucus 3
Chief of Staff and Chief Administrative Officer to 4
take administrative actions on behalf of the 5
House. 6
BE IT RESOLVED, By the members of the House of Representatives 7
of the 136th General Assembly, that in addition to those officers 8
previously or subsequently elected by resolution of the House, the 9
Speaker is hereby authorized to appoint such additional staff as may 10
be required for the purpose of facilitating the work of the House of 11
Representatives and to fill any vacancies in positions as officers or 12
employees; and be it further 13
RESOLVED, That the officers and employees of the House of 14
Representatives be compensated as determined by the Majority Caucus 15
Chief of Staff and in consultation with the Chief Administrative 16
Officer, with the approval of the Speaker; and be it further 17
RESOLVED, That compensation changes shall be made only upon the 18
recommendation of the Majority Caucus Chief of Staff and in 19
H. R. No. 8 Page 2
As Offered
consultation with the Chief Administrative Officer, with the approval 20
of the Speaker; and be it further 21
RESOLVED, That the Majority Caucus Chief of Staff shall have the 22
direct supervision and management of all officers and employees of 23
the House of Representatives. The Clerk shall have the direct 24
supervision and management of those employees who by reason of their 25
duties fall within the specific area of responsibility of the Clerk. 26
The Majority Caucus Chief of Staff, in consultation with the Chief 27
Administrative Officer or the Clerk as applicable, may discharge or 28
direct the Chief Administrative Officer to discharge any officer or 29
employee of the House of Representatives, with the approval of the 30
Speaker; and be it further 31
RESOLVED, That this resolution shall govern all actions taken by 32
the 136th General Assembly and that all of the foregoing salaries be 33
paid from the appropriate funds of the House of Representatives; and 34
be it further 35
RESOLVED, That except in cases in which the signature or 36
approval of the Speaker is required by law, the Majority Caucus Chief 37
of Staff and the Chief Administrative Officer of the House are hereby 38
directed and empowered to act and sign on behalf of the House of 39
Representatives as a public agency. 40