As Offered
136th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 1
Representative Manning
Relative to the election of the assistant speaker pro 1
tempore, the majority floor leader, the assistant 2
majority floor leader, and the majority whips for 3
the 136th General Assembly of Ohio. 4
WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the 5
136th General Assembly of Ohio have been advised that the caucus of 6
Republican members have chosen Phil Plummer of House District #39 as 7
assistant speaker pro tempore, Marilyn John of House District #76 as 8
majority floor leader, Adam C. Bird of House District #63 as 9
assistant majority floor leader, Riordan T. McClain of House District 10
#87 as majority whip, Steve Demetriou of House District #35 as 11
majority whip, Nick Santucci of House District #64 as majority whip, 12
and Josh Williams of House District #44 as majority whip; therefore 13
be it 14
RESOLVED, By the members of the House of Representatives of the 15
136th General Assembly that Phil Plummer be, and upon adoption of 16
this resolution is, hereby elected to the office of assistant speaker 17
pro tempore; that Marilyn John be, and upon adoption of this 18
resolution is, hereby elected to the office of majority floor leader; 19
that Adam C. Bird be, and upon adoption of this resolution is, hereby 20
elected to the office of assistant majority floor leader; that 21
Riordan T. McClain be, and upon the adoption of this resolution is, 22
hereby elected to the office of majority whip; that Steve Demetriou 23
H. R. No. 1 Page 2
As Offered
be, and upon the adoption of this resolution is, hereby elected to 24
the office of majority whip; that Nick Santucci be, and upon the 25
adoption of this resolution is, hereby elected to the office of 26
majority whip; and that Josh Williams be, and upon the adoption of 27
this resolution is, hereby elected to the office of majority whip. 28