As Offered
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 600
Speaker Stephens, Representatives Russo, Swearingen, Abdullahi, Abrams,
Baker, Barhorst, Bird, Blackshear, Brennan, Brent, Brewer, Brown, Callender,
Carruthers, Claggett, Click, Creech, Cross, Daniels, Dean, Dell'Aquila, Demetriou,
Denson, Dobos, Edwards, Ferguson, Fischer, Forhan, Fowler Arthur, Ghanbari,
Grim, Gross, Hall, Hillyer, Holmes, Hoops, Humphrey, Isaacsohn, Jarrells, John,
Johnson, Jones, Kick, King, Klopfenstein, Lampton, LaRe, Lear, Lipps, Liston,
Lorenz, Loychik, Manchester, Manning, Mathews, McClain, McNally, Merrin, Miller,
A., Miller, J., Miller, K., Miller, M., Mohamed, Oelslager, Patton, Pavliga, Peterson,
Piccolantonio, Pizzulli, Plummer, Powell, Ray, Richardson, Robb Blasdel,
Robinson, Roemer, Rogers, Santucci, Schmidt, Seitz, Sims, Skindell, Somani,
Stein, Stewart, Stoltzfus, Sweeney, Thomas, C., Thomas, J., Troy, Upchurch,
Weinstein, White, Whitted, Wiggam, Williams, Willis, Young, T.
In memory of Darrell W. Opfer.
WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the 135th 1
General Assembly of Ohio offer our deepest sympathy to the family and 2
many friends of Darrell W. Opfer on the sorrowful occasion of his 3
death; and 4
WHEREAS, Darrell Opfer will be remembered fondly by all those who 5
knew him, and his absence will leave an irreparable void in our 6
society. A former high school teacher, he excelled as a public 7
official, serving as a commissioner for Ottawa County for eight years, 8
as a member of the Ohio House of Representatives for four terms, and 9
as the director of the Ottawa County Improvement Corporation for five 10
years, and his tremendous experience and devotion to duty gained him 11
the appreciation of his colleagues and constituents alike; and 12
H. R. No. 600 Page 2
As Offered
WHEREAS, Darrell Opfer’s passion for community service was always 13
evident in his own approach to life. A member of the first group of 14
United States Peace Corps volunteers in Kenya, he was active with 15
Trinity United Church of Christ, four local historical societies, and 16
the Camp Sabroske Board of Directors. He was admired by his fellow 17
citizens, friends, and family for his positive philosophy of life, and 18
he inspired countless Ohioans to dedicate themselves to public 19
service; and 20
WHEREAS, In numerous roles, Darrell Opfer led an exemplary life, 21
demonstrating an unwavering commitment to improving the quality of our 22
society, and he extended warmth and understanding to others. Most 23
assuredly, the State of Ohio has benefited exponentially from his 24
work, and he will be remembered for his visionary example of 25
citizenship; therefore be it 26
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of Representatives of 27
the 135th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, pay 28
tribute to the memory of a truly honorable man, Darrell W. Opfer; and 29
be it further 30
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit 31
a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to the family of Darrell 32
W. Opfer. 33