As Offered
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 574
Representatives Grim, Hoops
Recognizing September 23-29, 2024,
as See Tracks, Think Train Week in Ohio.
WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the 135th 1
General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to recognize September 23-29, 2
2024, as See Tracks, Think Train Week in Ohio; and 3
WHEREAS, See Tracks, Think Train Week, formerly Rail Safety Week, 4
encourages increased awareness and understanding of the dangers posed 5
by not properly following safe practices at railroad crossings and 6
aims to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities. During 2023, 7
eighty-six vehicle-train collisions resulted in twenty-five injuries 8
and six fatalities and twenty-two pedestrian/trespass incidents on 9
railroad property resulted in twelve injuries and twelve fatalities, 10
and through collective action and understanding, we can lower that 11
number; and 12
WHEREAS, Ohio depends on safe roads and train tracks, and See 13
Tracks, Think Train Week aims to promote safety throughout our 14
society. Thanks to the efforts of a host of dynamic state partners 15
united behind this cause, including Ohio Operation Lifesaver, we can 16
encourage our fellow citizens to practice safety at rail crossings and 17
reduce the risks of a tragedy occurring; and 18
WHEREAS, See Tracks, Think Train Week provides an opportunity to 19
not only promote a safer Ohio but to also celebrate the many dynamic 20
individuals who have dedicated themselves to creating a safer state. 21
Truly, these fine individuals are deserving of the highest praise for 22
their conscientious efforts to safeguard others; therefore be it 23
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of Representatives of 24
the 135th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, 25
H. R. No. 574 Page 2
As Offered
recognize See Tracks, Think Train Week in Ohio and urge all citizens 26
to observe it with appropriate programs and activities during the week 27
of September 23-29, 2024; and be it further 28
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit 29
duly authenticated copies of this Resolution to the news media of 30
Ohio. 31