As Introduced
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 584
Representatives Russo, Upchurch
Cosponsors: Representatives Jarrells, Humphrey, Mohamed, Piccolantonio,
Brown, Miller, A., Liston, Abdullahi, Somani, Skindell, Brennan, Dell'Aquila,
Sweeney, Brewer, Robinson, Brent, Troy, Isaacsohn, Thomas, C., Denson, Baker,
Whitted, Sims, Weinstein, Grim, Rogers, Miller, J., McNally, Blackshear
To express the Ohio House of Representatives' 1
support for the Citizens Not Politicians—Citizens 2
Redistricting Commission Initiative, which would 3
transfer the power of drawing legislative and 4
congressional maps from politicians and lobbyists 5
to the citizens of Ohio; to address the problems, 6
risks, and political extremism of politician-led 7
gerrymandering that undermines fair 8
representation; and to encourage Ohioans to 9
support the measure for a freer, more democratic 10
state. 11
WHEREAS, The drawing of legislative and congressional maps, 12
or the redistricting process, has historically been controlled 13
by politicians and lobbyists, leading to districts that serve 14
political interests rather than the people of Ohio; and 15
WHEREAS, Extreme gerrymandering prevents Ohioans from 16
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As Introduced
having the fair representation they deserve, allowing 17
politicians to manipulate and rig district boundaries to secure 18
their own power and diminish the influence of individual voters; 19
and 20
WHEREAS, Rigged districts distort our democracy, making it 21
more difficult for voters to hold their elected officials 22
accountable and reducing the overall impact of each citizen's 23
vote; and 24
WHEREAS, Gerrymandering takes power away from the people of 25
Ohio, allowing representatives to choose their voters rather 26
than voters choosing their representatives, thereby undermining 27
the foundational principles of free and fair elections that 28
produce democratic governance; and 29
WHEREAS, The Citizens Redistricting Commission Initiative 30
proposes a more transparent and fair process by placing the 31
responsibility of redistricting in the hands of an independent 32
commission composed of Ohio citizens, rather than politicians 33
and lobbyists; and 34
WHEREAS, The Citizens Redistricting Commission Initiative 35
seeks to create legislative and congressional maps that reflect 36
the true will of the people, ensuring that every Ohioan's vote 37
carries equal weight in determining their representation; and 38
WHEREAS, Empowering citizens to be a part of the 39
redistricting process will strengthen Ohio's democracy, enhance 40
the integrity of our elections, and restore trust in our 41
political system; now therefore be it 42
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of 43
Representatives of the 135th General Assembly of the State of 44
Ohio, conclude that the Citizens Not Politicians—Citizens 45
Redistricting Commission Initiative serves the best interests of 46
the people of Ohio, will bring fairness and transparency to the 47
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redistricting process, and will protect the fundamental right of 48
Ohioans to have a meaningful and impactful vote; and be it 49
further 50
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of 51
Representatives of the 135th General Assembly of the State of 52
Ohio, urge the people of the State of Ohio to support the 53
Citizens Not Politicians—Citizens Redistricting Commission 54
Initiative, thereby ensuring fair representation, preserving the 55
health of our democracy, and empowering all citizens to have a 56
voice in the governance of our state; and be it further 57
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives 58
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the 59
Governor and to the news media of Ohio. 60