As Offered
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 572
Representative Ghanbari
Honoring Jim Leyland
on being inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame.
WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the 135th 1
General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to commend Jim Leyland on his 2
induction into the National Baseball Hall of Fame; and 3
WHEREAS, As one of the most decorated managers in the history of 4
Major League Baseball, Jim Leyland has demonstrated remarkable energy, 5
enthusiasm, and dedication in leading his teams to victory. Just one 6
of seven managers to win the pennant in both the American and National 7
League and one of eleven managers to lead three different teams to the 8
postseason, he is certainly worthy of the prestige that is accorded 9
with this honor; and 10
WHEREAS, Throughout his career, Jim Leyland established himself as 11
a talented and beloved manager, and his record of success is still a 12
standard for others to emulate. Among his achievements, he led the 13
Florida Marlins to the 1997 World Series and the United States 14
national team to the 2017 World Baseball Classic Gold Medal, and he 15
has earned the genuine esteem and appreciation of many; and 16
WHEREAS, With baseball serving as a beloved and essential part of 17
America's culture and heritage, we are extremely pleased to pay 18
tribute to Jim Leyland and his many fine contributions to the sport. 19
Truly, baseball has seen very few figures like him, and it is 20
doubtless that he will continue to inspire many to achieve their full 21
potential. We salute him on taking his justly earned place in 22
Cooperstown; therefore be it 23
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of Representatives of 24
the 135th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, 25
H. R. No. 572 Page 2
As Offered
commend Jim Leyland as a member of the National Baseball Hall of Fame 26
Class of 2024 and extend best wishes for continued success; and be it 27
further 28
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit 29
a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to Jim Leyland. 30