As Offered
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 592
Representative Troy
Honoring the City of Mentor-on-the-Lake
on its One Hundredth Anniversary.
WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the 135th 1
General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to recognize the City of Mentor- 2
on-the-Lake on its Centennial; and 3
WHEREAS, This is a momentous occasion, and it provides an ideal 4
time to acknowledge the exceptional achievements of the residents of 5
the City of Mentor-on-the-Lake. These diligent people are to be 6
commended for their foresight, dedication, and selfless donations of 7
time, energy, and ability, for they have set an example of concerned 8
and responsible citizenship worthy of emulation; and 9
WHEREAS, Beginning as a township in the early 1920s, Mentor-on- 10
the-Lake had thirty-three voters petition to become a village and form 11
its own government in 1924, and today, it has grown into a city with 12
2,600 single-family homes, 700 apartments and condominiums, and four 13
parks within its 1.6-square-mile area. Indeed, its generous and civic- 14
minded population has enjoyed a wealth of benefits, and those who 15
currently make the area their home take great pride in their 16
community’s rich heritage. Their ongoing efforts have certainly had a 17
profound impact, and we applaud them on their commitment to the 18
continued well-being of Mentor-on-the-Lake; and 19
WHEREAS, America is only as strong as her individual communities, 20
which are unique and which make a significant contribution to the 21
culture of our state and nation. This anniversary of the City of 22
Mentor-on-the-Lake offers its citizens the opportunity to share their 23
memories and experiences and to reflect on the benefits of life in 24
their close-knit community, for they have built on the best traditions 25
of the past to ensure a future filled with hope and promise; therefore 26
H. R. No. 592 Page 2
As Offered
be it 27
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of Representatives of 28
the 135th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, 29
congratulate the City of Mentor-on-the-Lake on its One Hundredth 30
Anniversary and look with optimism to its ongoing peace and 31
prosperity; and be it further 32
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit 33
a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to the City of Mentor-on- 34
the-Lake. 35