As Introduced
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 571
Representative Grim
Cosponsors: Representatives Whitted, Somani, Weinstein, Piccolantonio,
Isaacsohn, Miller, J., Brennan, Sims, Brewer, Upchurch, Liston, Abdullahi,
McNally, Brown, Baker
Recognizing Asthma Peak Week, September 15-21, 2024. 1
WHEREAS, According to the United States Centers for Disease 2
Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 25 million people in the 3
United States have asthma, a long-term disease that causes a 4
person's airways to become swollen and inflamed, making it 5
difficult to breathe; and 6
WHEREAS, The Ohio Department of Health reports that over 7
1.1 million adults and children in Ohio have asthma; and 8
WHEREAS, The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America 9
(AAFA) asserts that the burden of asthma in the United States 10
falls disproportionately on people with low income, senior 11
adults, and Black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native 12
people; and 13
WHEREAS, CDC data show that asthma is responsible for 14
nearly five million doctors' office visits and one million 15
emergency department visits each year; and 16
H. R. No. 571 Page 2
As Introduced
WHEREAS, That same data indicate that ten people in the 17
United States die each day from asthma; and 18
WHEREAS, CDC researchers found that, from 2008 to 2013, 19
economic costs of asthma include $3 billion as a result of 20
missed days of work, $29 billion due to asthma-related 21
mortality, and $50 billion in medical costs; and 22
WHEREAS, The AAFA highlights that many people lead healthy 23
lives with asthma if the disease is well-managed, including with 24
a treatment plan developed with a medical professional; and 25
WHEREAS, The AAFA notes that every September, asthma 26
hospital visits rise, with the third week of the month being the 27
worst due to fall allergies caused by ragweed and mold and 28
exposure to respiratory illnesses and other asthma triggers as 29
children return to school; and 30
WHEREAS, This week is often referred to as "Asthma Peak 31
Week"; now therefore be it 32
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of 33
Representatives of the 135th General Assembly of the State of 34
Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, recognize the week of 35
September 15-21, 2024, as Asthma Peak Week; and be it further 36
RESOLVED, That the purpose of Asthma Peak Week is to raise 37
awareness of the impact of asthma and to call attention to 38
treatment and management options for this long-term disease; and 39
be it further 40
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives 41
transmit duly authenticated copies of this Resolution to the 42
news media of Ohio. 43