Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 694 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 694’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Passed by the House
Primary Sponsor: Rep. Hillyer
Effective date:
Daniel DeSantis, Research Analyst
▪ Abolishes or renews various agencies that are subject to expiration under Sunset Review
▪ Renames the Board of Voting Machine Examiners as the Board of Voting Systems
▪ Adds a cybersecurity expert appointed by the Secretary of State as a nonvoting member
of the Board of Voting Systems Examiners.
▪ Requires the Early Childhood Advisory Council to assume the responsibilities of the
abolished Child Care Advisory Council.
▪ Abolishes the Board of Directors of the Ohio Health Reinsurance Program, and repeals
various healthcare programs, which have been under suspension since 2014 following the
enactment of the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA).
▪ Abolishes the Supervisory Investigative Panel of the State Dental Board, by name and
requires the Secretary and Vice-Secretary of the Board to continue the panel’s
supervisory functions.
▪ Requires the State Dental Board to elect, from among its members, a Vice-President.
▪ Exempts certain agencies from future review and expiration under Sunset Review Law.
▪ Renames the Environmental Education Council the Ohio Environmental Education Fund
Advisory Council.
▪ Abolishes the Director of Health’s Advisory Group on Violent Deaths, and requires the
Director to prepare and publish an annual report summarizing the activities of the Ohio
violent death reporting system.
December 12, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
▪ Abolishes the Ohio Medical Quality Foundation on January 1, 2026, and requires the
Treasurer of State to assume the contractual duties of the Foundation and its trustees.
▪ Declares an emergency.
Boards and commissions — Sunset Review ................................................................................... 2
Definition of agency .................................................................................................................... 3
Abolition of specific agencies ......................................................................................................... 3
Renewal of specific agencies .......................................................................................................... 5
Board of Voting Systems Examiners.......................................................................................... 13
Early Childhood Advisory Council .............................................................................................. 13
State Dental Board .................................................................................................................... 13
Repeal of Ohio’s suspended health care programs .................................................................. 13
Agencies exempt from future review and sunset ..................................................................... 14
Agencies with a purpose related to federal law................................................................... 14
Ohio Environmental Education Fund Advisory Council ............................................................ 15
Ohio violent death reporting system ........................................................................................ 15
Ohio Medical Quality Foundation ............................................................................................. 15
Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Task Force ............................................................. 16
Boards and commissions — Sunset Review
Continuing law requires that a Sunset Review Committee be convened to function during
each general assembly to review agencies, which are subject to Sunset Review Law and which
are scheduled to sunset at the end of that general assembly. Agencies expire by operation of
Sunset Review Law four years more or less after the effective date of the act that established the
agency. The specific expiration date, for an agency scheduled to expire, is December 31 in the
second year of a general assembly.
The bill renews certain agencies until December 31, 2026, and other agencies until
December 31, 2028, thereby balancing the workload for the next two subsequent Sunset Review
Committee’s that will be convened during the 136th and 137th general assemblies. The bill also
specifies agencies that are abolished on December 31, 2024. The bill maintains the appointment
and membership requirements of the Sunset Review Committee under continuing law. And it
maintains the stipulation in law that if the General Assembly does not renew or transfer a state
ʺagencyʺ (see ʺDefinition of agency,ʺ below) before the agency’s scheduled expiration date,
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As Passed by the House
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the agency expires and the Office of Budget and Management cannot authorize the expenditure
of any money for the agency on or after the expiration date.1
Definition of agency
Under continuing law, the Sunset Review Law applies to an ʺagency,ʺ which generally
means any board, commission, committee, or council, or any other similar state public body
required to be established under state statutes for the exercise of any function of state
government and to which members are appointed or elected. However, the definition specifies
several exceptions to the general rule, including, for example, the General Assembly, any court,
any public body created by or directly under the Ohio Constitution, the Public Utilities
Commission of Ohio, and any state board or commission that has the authority to issue any final
adjudicatory order that may be appealed to the court of common pleas under the Administrative
Procedure Act.2
Abolition of specific agencies
Under continuing law, ʺabolishʺ means to repeal the statutes creating and empowering
an agency, remove its personnel, and transfer its records to the Department of Administrative
Services under the State Records Program Law.3 The bill abolishes the agencies listed below.4
Abolished agencies
Agency Citation
Agricultural Commodity Marketing Programs, R.C. 924.14
Coordinating Committee
Child Care Advisory Council R.C. 5104.08
Director of Health’s Advisory Group on Violent R.C. 3701.932
Electrical Safety Inspector Advisory Committee R.C. 3783.085
Engineering Experiment Station Advisory R.C. 3335.276
1 R.C. 101.83.
2 R.C. 101.82.
3 R.C. 101.82.
4 Sections 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the bill.
5 Conforming changes in R.C. 3783.01 and 3783.02.
6 Conforming changes in R.C. 3335.29.
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Abolished agencies
Agency Citation
Federally Subsidized Housing Study Committee Section 757.70 of H.B. 110 of the 134th G.A.
Fireworks Rules, Committee to Assist the State Fire R.C. 3743.53
Marshal in Adopting
Governor’s Residence Advisory Commission R.C. 107.40
Health Reinsurance Program, Board of Directors of R.C. 3924.08
the Ohio
Hemp Marketing Program Operating Committee R.C. 924.212
Infant Hearing Screening Subcommittee R.C. 3701.507
Joint Legislative Study Committee Regarding Career Section 733.30 of H.B. 110 of the 134th G.A.
Pathways and Post-secondary Workforce Training
Programs in Ohio
Joint Legislative Task Force to Examine Section 7 of S.B. 310 of the 133rd G.A.
Transportation of Community School and
Nonpublic School Students
Land Use Advisory Committee to the President of R.C. 3337.16
Ohio University
Law Enforcement Training Funding Study Section 701.70 of H.B. 110 of the 134th G.A.
Legislative Committee on Public Health Futures Section 737.40 of H.B. 166 of the 133rd G.A.
Ohio Aerospace and Aviation Technology R.C. 122.98
Ohio Business Gateway Steering Committee R.C. 5703.577
Ohio Children’s Behavioral Health Prevention Section 1 of H.B. 12 of the 133rd G.A.
Network Stakeholder Group
Ohio Fire Code Rule Recommendation Committee R.C. 3743.67
7 Conforming changes in R.C. 718.051.
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As Passed by the House
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Abolished agencies
Agency Citation
Ohio Physician and Allied Health Care Workforce Section 381.610 of H.B. 166 of the 133rd G.A.
Preparation Task Force
Performance Indicators for Children’s Hospitals Section 333.67 of H.B. 166 of the 133rd G.A.
Study Committee
Private Investigation and Security Services R.C. 4749.021
Commission, Ohio
Public Assistance Benefits Accountability Task Force Section 307.300 of H.B. 110 of the 134th G.A.
Select Committee on Sports Gaming and Problem Section 6 of H.B. 29 of the 134th G.A.
State Report Card Study Committee Section 265.510 of H.B. 166 of the 133rd G.A.
Study Commission on the Future of Gaming in Ohio Section 5 of H.B. 29 of the 134th G.A.
Study Committee Regarding Students Retaking Section 733.51 of H.B. 166 of the 133rd G.A.
Grade 12
Supervisory Investigative Panel of the State Dental R.C. 4715.032
Task Force to Evaluate Current Operational Section 381.630 of H.B. 110 of the 134th G.A.
Structures and Procedures at Wright State
University’s Lake Campus
Unemployment Compensation Advisory Council R.C. 4141.08
Unemployment Compensation Modernization R.C. 4141.12
Improvement Council
Renewal of specific agencies
Under continuing law, ʺrenewʺ means to continue an agency, and may include
amendment of the statutes creating and empowering it, or recommendations for changes in its
operation or personnel.8 The act renews certain agencies as listed below and specifies that they
8 R.C. 101.82.
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will expire on either December 31, 2026, or December 31, 2028 (as indicated in the table below)
unless they are again renewed by subsequent legislation.9
Agencies renewed
Agency Citation Expiration year
Advisory Committee on Advance Practice R.C. 4723.493 2026
Registered Nursing
Aging, Ohio Advisory Council for the R.C. 173.03 2026
Agricultural Commodity Marketing Programs, R.C. 924.07 2028
Operating Committee(s)
Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Task Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 of 2028
Force S.B. 24 of the 133rd G.A.
AMBER Alert Advisory Committee R.C. 5502.521 2028
Amusement Ride Safety, Advisory Council of R.C. 1711.51 2028
Apprenticeship Council R.C. 4139.02 2026
Automated Title Processing Board R.C. 4505.09(C)(1) 2028
Backflow Advisory Board R.C. 3703.21 2028
Banking Commission R.C. 1123.01 2028
Brain Injury Advisory Committee R.C. 3335.61 2026
Broadcast Educational Media Commission R.C. 3353.02 2026
Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board R.C. 105.41 2026
Cemetery Dispute Resolution Commission, Ohio R.C. 4767.05 2028
Child Abuse and Child Neglect Prevention R.C. 3109.172(B) 2026
Regional Councils (8)
Child Support Guideline Advisory Council R.C. 3119.023 2026
Children’s Trust Fund Board R.C. 3109.15 2026
9 Section 5 of the bill.
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Agencies renewed
Agency Citation Expiration year
Chiropractic Loan Repayment Advisory Board R.C. 3702.987 2026
Citizen’s Advisory Council (for each institution R.C. 5123.092 2026
under the control of the Department of
Developmental Disabilities)
Civil Rights Commission Advisory Agencies and R.C. 4112.04(B)(4) 2028
Conciliation Councils, Ohio
Clean Ohio, Trail Advisory Board R.C. 1519.06 2028
Coal Development Office, Technical Advisory R.C. 1551.35 2028
Committee to Assist Director of the Ohio
College Credit Plus Advisory Committee R.C. 3365.15 2026
Commercial Dog Breeding Advisory Board R.C. 956.17 2028
Commercial Insurance Joint Underwriting R.C. 3930.03 2026
Association Board of Governors, Ohio
Commodity Advisory Commission R.C. 926.32 2028
Continuing Education Committee (concerned R.C. 109.80(B) 2028
with continuing education of sheriffs)
County Law Library Resources Boards, Statewide R.C. 3375.481 2028
Consortium of
County Sheriff’s Standard Car-Marking and R.C. 311.25 2028
Uniform Commission
Credential Review Board R.C. 3319.65 2026
Credit Union Council R.C. 1733.329 2028
Criminal Sentencing Commission, State R.C. 181.21 2028
Cystic Fibrosis Legislative Task Force, Ohio R.C. 101.38 2026
Dentist Loan Repayment Advisory Board R.C. 3702.92 2026
Department Advisory Boards R.C. 121.13 2026
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Agencies renewed
Agency Citation Expiration year
Developmental Disabilities Council, Ohio R.C. 5123.35 2026
Developmental Disabilities Technology First Task R.C. 5123.026 2026
Dietetics Advisory Council R.C. 4759.051 2026
Education Management Information System R.C. 3301.0713 2026
Advisory Council
Educator Standards Board R.C. 3319.60 2026
Employment First Task Force R.C. 5123.023 2026
Ex-Offender Reentry Coalition R.C. 5120.07 2028
Expositions Commission, Ohio R.C. 991.02 2026
Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, Advisory R.C. 107.12 2026
Board of Governor’s Office of
Family and Children First Cabinet Council, Ohio R.C. 121.37 2026
Farmland Preservation Advisory Board R.C. 901.23 2028
Forestry Advisory Council R.C. 1503.40 2028
Grain Marketing Program Op