As Adopted by the Senate
135th General Assembly
Regular Session S. R. No. 471
Senators Huffman, M., DeMora
Cosponsors: Senators Antani, Antonio, Blessing, Brenner, Chavez, Cirino, Craig,
Cutrona, Dolan, Gavarone, Hackett, Hicks-Hudson, Huffman, S., Ingram, Johnson,
Kunze, Landis, Lang, Manning, McColley, O'Brien, Reineke, Reynolds, Roegner,
Romanchuk, Schaffer, Schuring, Smith, Sykes, Wilkin, Wilson
Honoring Susan Elizabeth Burkey for years of stalwart
service to the Legislative Service Commission.
WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the 135th General Assembly 1
of Ohio are pleased to pay tribute to Susan Elizabeth Burkey on her 2
retirement from the Ohio Legislative Service Commission; and 3
WHEREAS, The Legislative Service Commission was established in 4
1953 to provide the Ohio General Assembly with nonpartisan drafting, 5
fiscal and budget analysis, and research, and Sue Burkey has come to 6
embody the finest virtues of the agency over the course of her nearly 7
three-decade career, setting herself apart as a sterling example of 8
public service. Entering state service with the Ohio Department of 9
Natural Resources in 1996, Sue joined LSC as a technical review clerk 10
in 1999, and since that time, she has provided support to five 11
different supervisors and witnessed many changes within the agency, 12
including the shift from paper to digital systems. Her tremendous 13
dedication and attention to detail have been instrumental to the 14
success of the Bill Technical Review Service group. Indeed, she has 15
been admired as a consummate professional and an irreplaceable asset 16
to the commission; and 17
WHEREAS, Sue Burkey’s career has been defined by tremendous 18
leadership, patience, adaptability, ingenuity, and resolve, and she 19
has been a stalwart ambassador of LSC. She has given graciously of her 20
time and expertise to assist fourteen Ohio General Assemblies, 21
S. R. No. 471 Page 2
As Adopted by the Senate
including biannual budget bill assemblies during her tenure, and in so 22
doing, she has demonstrated a praiseworthy commitment to the success 23
of state government. Indeed, she has provided a valuable service by 24
helping to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the 25
legislative process, and without the efforts of individuals such as 26
she, many services which are currently available to the constituents 27
of our state would cease to exist; and 28
WHEREAS, Sue Burkey’s contributions to the Ohio General Assembly 29
have been greatly appreciated by all those who have had the pleasure 30
of working with her, and she has displayed exceptional dedication, 31
responsibility, and enthusiasm in all of her endeavors. The State of 32
Ohio has greatly benefited from her distinguished service, and she has 33
provided an exemplary legacy of work ethic and dedication; therefore 34
be it 35
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 135th General 36
Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, salute Susan Elizabeth 37
Burkey for her unparalleled contributions to the Ohio Legislative 38
Service Commission, Ohio’s elected officials, and the public at-large 39
and extend best wishes for a happy, healthy retirement; and be it 40
further 41
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly 42
authenticated copy of this Resolution to Susan Elizabeth Burkey. 43