As Introduced
135th General Assembly
Regular Session S. R. No. 452
Senators Schuring, Landis
Honoring The Timken Company on its One Hundred Twenty-
fifth Anniversary.
WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the 135th General Assembly 1
of Ohio are pleased to extend special recognition to The Timken 2
Company on its One Hundred Twenty-fifth Anniversary; and 3
WHEREAS, The Timken Company is worthy of acknowledgement, for 4
throughout one hundred twenty-five years of operation, it has 5
experienced tremendous prosperity by becoming a global technology 6
leader. The company has continually demonstrated its exemplary 7
commitment to the highest industry standards, quality workmanship, and 8
competitive pricing, and its dedication to the best interests of the 9
customer has been evident in all its transactions; and 10
WHEREAS, The notable accomplishments of The Timken Company since 11
Henry Timken first patented a tapered roller bearing are attributable 12
largely to the loyal service of its highly qualified and committed 13
staff, as well as to the innovation and foresight of its management, 14
including its current president and chief executive officer, Richard 15
G. Kyle. They have earned a well-deserved reputation as fine 16
ambassadors who have been instrumental to distinguishing the 17
organization as a worthy enterprise; and 18
WHEREAS, Ohio’s economic well-being depends on innovative business 19
entrepreneurs to provide goods and services to the citizens of our 20
state. We are proud to note that it is through the diligent efforts of 21
individuals such as all those associated with The Timken Company, who 22
are willing to invest in the future of their community, that the State 23
of Ohio remains a pleasant place in which to live and work; therefore 24
be it 25
S. R. No. 452 Page 2
As Introduced
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 135th General 26
Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, in adopting this 27
Resolution, pay tribute to The Timken Company on its One Hundred 28
Twenty-fifth Anniversary and salute it as one of Ohio’s finest 29
businesses; and be it further 30
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly 31
authenticated copy of this Resolution to The Timken Company. 32