As Introduced
135th General Assembly
Regular Session S. B. No. 281
Senators Craig, Johnson
Cosponsors: Senators Hicks-Hudson, DeMora, Dolan, Romanchuk, Lang, Wilkin,
Wilson, Smith, Sykes
To enact section 4113.13 of the Revised Code 1
regarding the creation and display of a poster 2
containing information on benefits and services 3
for veterans. 4
Section 1. That section 4113.13 of the Revised Code be 5
enacted to read as follows: 6
Sec. 4113.13. (A) The director of commerce, in 7
consultation with the director of veterans services, shall 8
create a veterans' benefits and services poster. The director of 9
commerce shall include information about the following topics in 10
the poster: 11
(1) Programs provided by the department of veterans 12
services, including the department's contact and web site 13
information; 14
(2) The United States department of veterans affairs 15
veterans crisis line, including contact information for the 16
crisis line; 17
S. B. No. 281 Page 2
As Introduced
(3) Substance abuse and mental health treatment programs 18
available to veterans; 19
(4) Educational, workforce, and training resources 20
available to veterans; 21
(5) Tax benefits and exemptions available to veterans; 22
(6) The availability of an armed forces designation on an 23
Ohio driver's license or identification card; 24
(7) Eligibility for unemployment benefits under Chapter 25
4141. of the Revised Code and federal unemployment compensation 26
law; 27
(8) Legal services available to veterans; 28
(9) The availability of any other benefit or service 29
relevant to veterans that the directors determine should be 30
included on the poster. 31
(B) An employer employing employees in this state may 32
display a copy of the poster created under division (A) of this 33
section on the employer's premises in a conspicuous place that 34
is frequented by the largest number of employees and to which 35
all employees have access. The director of commerce shall 36
provide an employer with a copy of the poster free of charge at 37
the request of the employer. 38