Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
S.B. 281 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for S.B. 281’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Introduced
Primary Sponsors: Sens. Craig and Johnson
Effective date:
Christopher Glass, Attorney
Requires the Director of Commerce, in consultation with the Director of Veterans
Services, to create a veterans’ benefits and services poster.
Requires the Director of Commerce to provide an employer with a copy of the poster at
the employer’s request, and allows the employer to display it on the employer’s
Veterans’ benefits and services poster
The bill directs the Director of Commerce, in consultation with the Director of Veterans
Services, to create a veterans’ benefits and services poster. The Director of Commerce must
include information about the following topics in the poster:1
Department of Veterans Services’ programs, contact information, and website;
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs veterans crisis hotline;
Substance abuse and mental health treatment programs;
Educational, workforce, and training resources;
Tax benefits and exemptions;
Availability of armed forces designation on Ohio driver’s license or identification card;
Unemployment benefits;
1 R.C. 4113.13(A).
June 26, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Legal services;
Availability of any other benefit or service for veterans that the Directors determine
should be included.
The bill requires the Director of Commerce to provide an employer with a copy of the
poster free of charge at the request of the employer. The bill permits an employer employing
employees in Ohio to display a copy of the poster on the employer’s premises in a conspicuous
place that is frequented by the largest number of employees and to which all employees have
Action Date
Introduced 05-29-24
2 R.C. 4113.13(B).
P a g e |2 S.B. 281
As Introduced