As Offered
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 483
Representatives Manning, Miller, J., Stein
Honoring Lorain County
on its Two Hundredth Anniversary.
WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the 135th 1
General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to pay tribute to Lorain County 2
on the auspicious occasion of its Bicentennial; and 3
WHEREAS, This is a momentous occasion, and it provides an ideal 4
time to acknowledge the exceptional achievements of Lorain County. 5
This fine municipality can be proud of its history, which reflects 6
impressive development over multiple generations, and it has gained a 7
well-deserved reputation as one of Ohio’s finest communities; and 8
WHEREAS, Since its commissioners held their first meeting on May 9
24, 1824, Lorain County has enjoyed the benefits of a generous and 10
civic-minded population, and those who currently live and work in the 11
area can take great pride in the rich heritage. Their noteworthy 12
initiative and vision have had a profound impact, and we applaud 13
Lorain County’s residents for their commitment to the continued well- 14
being of their respective communities. They have, indeed, set an 15
example of concerned and responsible citizenship worthy of emulation; 16
and 17
WHEREAS, Every state’s survival and stability depends upon vibrant 18
and durable communities, and two hundred years after Lorain County was 19
founded, it radiates vitality, optimism, and a perpetual charm all its 20
own. This is certainly a place of many engaging qualities, and its 21
schools, businesses, and civic organizations have embodied and upheld 22
the values that are fundamental to Ohio’s success; therefore be it 23
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of Representatives of 24
the 135th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, 25
H. R. No. 483 Page 2
As Offered
commend Lorain County on the commemoration of its Two Hundredth 26
Anniversary and offer our best wishes for a prosperous future; and be 27
it further 28
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit 29
a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to Lorain County. 30