Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 566 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 566’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Introduced
Primary Sponsors: Reps. Mohamed and Daniels
Effective date:
Larry Gunter, Jr., Research Analyst
Reduces the time that points for a traffic offense remain on the license of a commercial
driver’s license holder (CDL) from two years to one year.
Consequently, reduces the time, from two years to one year, during which a CDL holder
may accumulate 12 or more points on the holder’s CDL and receive a 12-point
suspension of the holder’s CDL.
Allows a CDL holder to complete a remedial driving course and receive a two-point
reduction on their CDL once every year instead of once every three years as under
current law.
Points assessed against a commercial driver’s license (CDL)
Generally, when a person commits a traffic offense, points are assessed against that
person’s driver’s license. Typically, the more serious the offense, the more points are assessed.
Points for each offense can range from zero to six and accumulate on a person’s driving record
with each offense. Points drop off of a person’s driving record with regard to a specific traffic
offense after two years. For example, if a driver is stopped and given a ticket for failure to drive
in a marked lane (R.C. 4511.33) on June 9, 2024, the driver will receive two points on the
person’s license. Those two points drop off the person’s license on June 9, 2026.1
When a person receives more than five points against the person’s driver’s license, the
Registrar of Motor Vehicles must send a warning letter by mail to the person. The warning
1 R.C. 4510.036, not in bill.
June 10, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
letter notifies the person of reported violations that are the basis of the points charged, lists the
number of points charged for each violation, and outlines the driver’s license suspension
ramifications of accumulating too many points against the license. Any person charged with at
least two but less than 12 points against their license may enroll in a remedial driving course.
When the course is successfully completed, the Registrar must credit two points to the person’s
driving record. The Registrar can only award one two-point credit per person in a three-year
period and a maximum of five two-point credits during a person’s lifetime.2
When the total number of points charged against a person’s driver’s license is 12 or
more within any two-year period, the Registrar must impose a class D suspension of the
person’s driver’s license (known as a 12-point suspension). A class D suspension lasts for six
CDL licensees
The bill reduces the time that points for a traffic offense remain on a CDL holder’s
license from two years to one year. Thus, under the bill, if a CDL holder receives two points for
failure to drive in a marked lane on June 9, 2024, the two points assessed against the holder will
drop off the license on June 9, 2025, rather than June 9, 2026, as under current law.
Furthermore, in order to receive a 12-point suspension, a CDL holder will need to accumulate
12 points or more in any one-year period rather than in any two-year period.
Finally, the bill increases the frequency that a CDL holder can successfully complete a
remedial driving course and receive a two-point reduction on their CDL. Specifically, the bill
allows a CDL holder to complete the course once each year and receive a two-point reduction,
rather once every three years as under current law. The bill retains the lifetime limitation of five
two-point credits on a person’s driver’s license for completing the course.
The bill retains current law for any person with a standard driver’s license or permit.4
Action Date
Introduced 05-15-24
2 R.C. 4510.037(A) and (C).
3 R.C. 4510.037(B); R.C. 4510.02(B)(4), not in the bill.
4 R.C. 4510.037(B) and (C).
P a g e |2 H.B. 566
As Introduced
Statutes affected: As Introduced: 4510.037