Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 572 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 572’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Reported by House Higher Education
Primary Sponsor: Rep. White
Effective date:
Rachel Larsen, Research Analyst
Requires the Chancellor of Higher Education, in conjunction with the Department of
Education and Workforce, to conduct a survey of educator preparation programs and to
issue recommendations via a report.
Educator preparation program report
The bill requires the Chancellor of Higher Education to conduct a survey of each
undergraduate and graduate educator preparation program for teachers and administrators that
is offered by an institution of higher education.1 The survey’s purpose is to determine what
instruction the programs are providing to students in mental and behavioral health, behavior
management, and classroom management, including how they are incorporating education on
adverse childhood experiences and trauma. The survey must focus on the current instruction
provided by the preparation programs, including all of the following:
Processes for establishing a positive school and classroom climate;
Knowledge of the reasons for disruptive behaviors and how teacher and administrator
actions impact the classroom and school climate;
Evidence-based techniques for preventing, managing, and responding to mild, moderate,
and more disruptive student behaviors;
Processes for fostering and maintaining positive teacher and student relationships;
Procedures for designing and using trauma-informed instructional approaches;
1 R.C. 3333.0419.
June 26, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Processes for using restorative practices in response to disruptive behaviors;
Techniques provided to teachers and administrators to manage their own stress and
foster their own well-being.
The Chancellor must create the survey in conjunction with the Department of Education
and Workforce. The Chancellor and the Department must use the survey results to develop a
summary of the instructional strategies, practices, and content of surveyed preparation
programs, including institution-level summaries. And, within one year after the bill’s effective
date, the Chancellor and Department must develop a report that analyzes the survey’s findings
to make recommendations for evidence-based and evidence-informed strategies, practices, and
content to address identified needs and equip educators to support student academic success
and well-being from early childhood education through grade 12. The recommendations must
address the following:
Classroom management;
Behavior management;
Mental health education;
The impact of adverse childhood experiences and trauma on students.
The report must be distributed to the Governor, the General Assembly, and school districts.
Action Date
Introduced 05-15-24
Reported, H. Higher Education 06-25-24
P a g e |2 H.B. 572
As Reported by Higher Education