Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 514 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 514’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Introduced
Primary Sponsors: Reps. Sims and C. Thomas
Effective date:
Ashley F. Dean, Attorney
 Requires the annual jury source list to include all names from the certified, current list of
names provided to the commissioners of jurors by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles.
Jury source list
Current law requires the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, on a date ordered by the common
pleas court of any particular county, to compile and file with the commissioners of jurors of
each county a certified, current list containing the names, addresses, dates of birth, and
citizenship of all residents of the particular county who have been issued a commercial driver’s
license, a driver’s license, or an identification card that is valid and current on the date of the
compilation of the list, who are or will be 18 years old or older as of the day of the general
election of the year in which the list is filed, and who, regardless of whether they are actually
registered to vote, would be electors if they were registered to vote.1 In compiling the annual
jury source list, unless otherwise ordered by the common pleas court, the commissioners may
generally include all names from that certified, current list from the Registrar.2 The bill instead
requires the commissioners to include all names from that certified, current list on the annual
jury source list.3
1 R.C. 2313.06(A)(2)(a).
2 R.C. 2313.06(B).
3 R.C. 2313.06(B).
May 13, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Action Date
Introduced 05-01-24
P a g e |2 H.B. 514
As Introduced

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 2313.06