As Introduced
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. C. R. No. 16
Representatives Somani, Ray
Recognizing the importance of perinatal mental health. 1
WHEREAS, Depression and other mental health conditions are 2
the most common complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the 3
postpartum period; and 4
WHEREAS, The perinatal period, from pregnancy through the 5
first year postpartum, is a transitional period that can result 6
in anxiety and stress for many birthing individuals; and 7
WHEREAS, Perinatal stress, anxiety, and depression can 8
adversely impact the physical and psychological health of women 9
and their children; and 10
WHEREAS, According to the American College of Obstetricians 11
and Gynecologists, up to 85% of women and birthing persons 12
experience some type of mood disturbance during the postpartum 13
period; and 14
WHEREAS, One in five mothers and birthing persons develop 15
more significant symptoms of depression or anxiety, including 16
obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and post- 17
traumatic stress disorder; and 18
WHEREAS, According to the Cleveland Clinic, postpartum 19
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psychosis affects between one and two per 1000 mothers, often 20
develops rapidly, and may place the life of the mother and 21
infant in danger related to its symptoms, which may include 22
delusions, hallucinations, severe mood symptoms, and cognitive 23
symptoms; and 24
WHEREAS, According to the Ohio Department of Health's 25
Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review Program, mental health 26
conditions are currently the leading cause of pregnancy-related 27
deaths in Ohio; and 28
WHEREAS, Mental health conditions affect mothers and 29
mothers-to-be of all races, ages, and socioeconomic levels; and 30
WHEREAS, Pregnant and parenting people with untreated 31
mental health issues experience higher rates of infant and 32
maternal mortality, family fragmentation, lack of prenatal care, 33
low social support, financial and housing instability, co- 34
occurring health complications, unmanageable job strain, 35
difficulty meeting maternal role expectations, and childhood or 36
perinatal trauma, including domestic and sexual abuse; and 37
WHEREAS, The societal impact of perinatal mental health 38
conditions is pervasive, with far-reaching consequences on early 39
childhood development, pediatric mental health, and general 40
family well-being; and 41
WHEREAS, Undiagnosed and untreated perinatal mental health 42
conditions are a silent health crisis in the United States, 43
deserving recognition and action to save lives and improve the 44
health and well-being of America's mothers, babies, fathers, 45
families, and the community; now therefore be it 46
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 135th General 47
Assembly of the State of Ohio, recognize the importance of 48
perinatal mental health and are supportive of a coordinated 49
approach to address pressing challenges and drive change to 50
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support improved maternal and birth outcomes in Ohio; and be it 51
further 52
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 135th General 53
Assembly of the State of Ohio, encourage Ohio's continued 54
investment in programs that provide support to pregnant women 55
and newly parenting mothers; and be it further 56
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 135th General 57
Assembly of the State of Ohio, encourage communication with moms 58
and birthing people to speak with their health care providers 59
and peers about their experiences and drive better mental health 60
outcomes; and be it further 61
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives 62
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the 63
news media of Ohio. 64