As Offered
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 431
Representatives Russo, Richardson, Lampton, Brennan, Brewer, Brown,
Dell'Aquila, Demetriou, Hoops, Klopfenstein, Loychik, McNally, Miller, A., Miller,
J., Oelslager, Rogers, Somani, Weinstein
Observing April 2024
as the Month of the Military Child in Ohio.
WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the 135th 1
General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to recognize the Month of the 2
Military Child in Ohio, April 2024; and 3
WHEREAS, In an effort to increase public knowledge and 4
understanding of the issues surrounding children who have a parent in 5
the military, the month of April was first designated by then U.S. 6
Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger as the Month of the Military 7
Child in 1986. The children of U.S. Armed Forces members are deserving 8
of profound admiration for their strength of character; and 9
WHEREAS, As Americans enjoy the freedom and democracy that service 10
men and women help to perpetuate, we feel the deepest respect for 11
military families in their own right as individuals who have imparted 12
a stalwart sense of patriotic duty and who have accepted the risks of 13
service with dignity and courage. There are those who take for granted 14
our precious rights and privileges, never adequately considering the 15
enormous personal costs so frequently exacted in conjunction with the 16
fulfillment of military obligations. We owe it to military families, 17
especially their children, who may move many times throughout their 18
lives, bear the burden of a parent being in harm’s way, and endure 19
long separations from their parent, to remain keenly aware of how 20
dearly our nation has always paid for its liberty and its ideals; and 21
WHEREAS, Childhood is a formative time, and family members, 22
together with communities, educators, public officials, and faith- 23
H. R. No. 431 Page 2
As Offered
based organizations, play important roles in helping to ensure that 24
children grow up in a safe and stable environment, one that provides 25
nurturing love and encouragement. All Ohioans share the responsibility 26
of supporting our youth, and during the month of April, we renew our 27
commitment to military children, offering understanding and empathy, 28
and urge all citizens to mark this observance by advocating for those 29
who are serving our country and their families; therefore be it 30
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of Representatives of 31
the 135th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, 32
acknowledge the Month of the Military Child in Ohio, April 2024, and 33
urge all citizens to participate in appropriate programs and 34
activities associated with it; and be it further 35
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit 36
duly authenticated copies of this Resolution to the news media of 37
Ohio. 38