As Introduced
135th General Assembly
Regular Session S. R. No. 336
Senator McColley
Honoring Colin White as Ohio’s Mr. Basketball for 2024.
WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the 135th General Assembly 1
of Ohio are pleased to commend Colin White on being selected as the 2
2024 Ohio Mr. Basketball by the Ohio Prep Sportswriters Association; 3
and 4
WHEREAS, A diligent and capable individual, Colin White is 5
deserving of recognition for his exemplary accomplishments as a member 6
of the Ottawa-Glandorf High School boys basketball team. An 7
exceptional athlete, he averaged 24.9 points, 8.2 rebounds, 3.1 8
assists, and 2.6 steals, and his noteworthy record of personal 9
achievement stands as a hallmark for others; and 10
WHEREAS, Through his participation in basketball, Colin White has 11
learned important lessons of discipline, perseverance, hard work, and 12
good sportsmanship that will undoubtedly be of great benefit to him 13
throughout his life. Through his outstanding efforts, he has inspired 14
countless people to excel in various areas of endeavor, and he has set 15
an example worthy of emulation; and 16
WHEREAS, In a society that seeks to teach the future leaders of 17
our state and nation the fundamentals of self-reliance and the rewards 18
of individual and group effort, athletic competition has become a 19
valuable educational tool. With sports contributing to the development 20
of countless youth, we are happy to congratulate such a fine athlete 21
as Colin White; therefore be it 22
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 135th General 23
Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, applaud Colin White on 24
his statewide honor and extend best wishes for continued success at 25
The Ohio State University; and be it further 26
S. R. No. 336 Page 2
As Introduced
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly 27
authenticated copy of this Resolution to Colin White. 28