As Introduced
135th General Assembly
Regular Session S. R. No. 319
Senators Blessing, Ingram
Cosponsors: Senators Antonio, Kunze, Brenner, Wilson, Wilkin, Lang, Craig,
DeMora, Smith, Sykes, Huffman, S., Johnson, Reineke, Manning, Gavarone,
Schaffer, Landis, Huffman, M., Romanchuk, Hicks-Hudson, McColley
In memory of Brigid Kelly.
WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the 135th General Assembly 1
of Ohio extend our deepest regrets on the passing of Brigid Kelly and 2
pay tribute to her memory; and 3
WHEREAS, Brigid Kelly will be remembered fondly by those who knew 4
and supported her, and her absence will leave an irreparable void in 5
our society. A graduate of St. Ursula Academy, Xavier University, and 6
the University of Cincinnati, she was well known and respected as a 7
trailblazer for her generation by focusing her professional endeavors 8
to advocate for a better way of life. Through her abounding resolve, 9
courage, and integrity, she accomplished growth and progress for the 10
State of Ohio, first by serving as a member for the Norwood City 11
Council and as an organizer for the United Food and Commercial Workers 12
Union, and subsequently, by being elected as the representative for 13
the 31st District of the Ohio House of Representatives in 2016 and as 14
the auditor for Hamilton County in 2022. Indeed, she made a tremendous 15
impact on those she encountered, and she will be remembered eternally 16
for her tireless example of dedicated leadership; and 17
WHEREAS, Brigid Kelly’s passion for community service was evident 18
in her approach to public office, and she strove to be an effective 19
voice for her fellow Ohioans by championing for legislative measures 20
to elevate minimum wage, discontinue subminimum wage for individuals 21
with developmental disabilities, eliminate Ohio sales tax for 22
medically necessary products, and sustain the inalienable safety of 23
S. R. No. 319 Page 2
As Introduced
children. She was admired by her peers, constituents, friends, and 24
family for her positive philosophy of life, and she established a 25
stalwart legacy of commitment to our state that will surely live on; 26
and 27
WHEREAS, Without question, Brigid Kelly made the world much 28
fuller, especially for the individuals who had a treasured 29
relationship with her, and she was an endlessly devoted wife, 30
daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. All those who cherished her can 31
find strength in the embrace of loved ones and solace in the memories 32
of this truly great woman, for her esteemed efforts and work will 33
endure in the communities where she made a difference; therefore be it 34
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 135th General 35
Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, offer our sincere 36
condolences over the loss of Brigid Kelly; and be it further 37
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly 38
authenticated copy of this Resolution to the family of Brigid Kelly. 39