Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 458 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 458’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Reported by House Transportation
Primary Sponsor: Rep. Hoops
Effective date:
Margaret E. Marcy, Attorney
The bill designates the following bridge and the following viaduct and authorizes the
Director of Transportation to erect suitable markers along them or their approaches indicating
their names:
Designated Name “Gold and Blue Star Family Memorial Bridge”1
Location The bridge spanning the St. Joseph River that is a part of State Route 107,
within the village of Montpelier, in Williams County
Other Information A Blue Star Family is one that has an immediate family member serving in the
U.S. armed forces during periods of hostility where the U.S. is engaged in the
combat. The family designation changes to a Gold Star Family if the
immediate family member is killed in action or dies through a training
accident during the periods of hostility and combat. The star designations
(and corresponding flags) originated during WWI.
Designated Name “POW/MIA Memorial Viaduct”2
Location The viaduct spanning the railroad tracks that is a part of State Route 107,
within the village of Montpelier, in Williams County
This analysis was prepared before the report of the House Transportation Committee appeared in the
House Journal. Note that the legislative history may be incomplete.
1 R.C. 5534.878.
2 R.C. 5534.879.
June 25, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Action Date
Introduced 03-27-24
Reported, H. Transportation ---
P a g e |2 H.B. 458
As Reported by House Transportation