Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 467 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 467’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Introduced
Primary Sponsors: Reps. Piccolantonio and Grim
Effective date:
S. Ben Fogle, Attorney
For the purposes of the requirement that a candidate for public office list any previous
names used in the last five years, exempts changes of name ordered by an Ohio court.
Requires the Secretary of State to update the statement of candidacy in nominating
petitions to include instructions regarding the name exemption, as well as the
Secretary’s website on any changes to this requirement.
Changes of name exempt from filing requirement
Under current law, individuals desiring to become a candidate for public office must file
a declaration of candidacy (or a statement of candidacy with a nominating petition, for
independent candidates), with the Secretary of State.1 The declaration or statement of
candidacy must include, in the space next to the candidate’s name, any names previously used
in the five years before the date of filing, with the exception of name changes resulting from a
The bill adds another exception: any previous names that were ordered to be changed
by an Ohio court. In effect, candidates would not have to list name changes as long as the name
was changed legally in Ohio.2
1 R.C. 3513.04 and 3513.257, not in the bill.
2 R.C. 3513.06 and 3513.271.
April 5, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Secretary of State instructions
The bill requires the Secretary of State to publish on the Secretary’s website any
changes to the Revised Code sections that require prior names to be listed on declarations of
Additionally, the bill requires the Secretary to update the declaration of candidacy and
statement of candidacy forms to include instructions about the bill’s name change provisions, in
parenthesis in the blank space next to the candidate’s name, to read “Name of Candidate and
any previous names used by Candidate in the last five years as required under R.C. 3513.06 or
Action Date
Introduced 03-27-24
3 R.C. 3501.05.
4 R.C. 3513.07 and 3513.261.
P a g e |2 H.B. 467
As Introduced
Statutes affected: As Introduced: 3501.05, 3513.06, 3513.07, 3513.261, 3513.271