Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 380 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 380’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Passed by the House
Primary Sponsors: Reps. Hillyer and K. Miller
Effective date:
Larry Gunter, Jr., Research Analyst
Designates multiple highways and bridges.
Highway and bridge designations
The bill designates the following highways and bridges. It authorizes the Director of
Transportation to erect suitable markers along the highways and the overpass indicating their
Designated Name Highway or bridge Biographical Information
“John P. Lennon S.R. 87 between Bundysburg Road and John P. Lennon was the
Memorial Highway”1 Madison Road, in Geauga County. President of Abbott Valve
and Fitting, Co. He was an
avid philanthropist and
supporter of local police and
fire departments – having
made significant
contributions for shooting
ranges, fitness centers, K-9
dogs, and support vehicles
and equipment. He passed
away on February 24, 2024.
1 R.C. 5533.532.
June 20, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Designated Name Highway or bridge Biographical Information
“LCpl Gerald Subler S.R. 185 between Burns Road and Lance Corporal Gerald Subler
Memorial Highway”2 Progress Way in Darke County. served in the U.S. Marine
Corps during the Vietnam
War. He was killed by
communist forces on
September 30, 1968, as a
result of multiple shrapnel
wounds from hostile rocket
“Patrolman William J. I-76, between Lakewood Road and On October 14, 1972,
Keller Memorial Industry Road, in Portage County. Patrolman William J. Keller
Highway”3 was fatally struck by a drunk
driver during a traffic stop on
I-76 in Portage County.
“Firefighter Charles D. S.R. 97, running northbound and Firefighter Swank served as a
Swank Memorial southbound between the municipal firefighter for 17 years with
Highway”4 corporations of Bellville and Butler in the Washington Township
Richland County. Fire Department in Dublin,
Ohio. He also previously
served in the U.S. Army’s
82nd Airborne. He passed
unexpectedly during
firefighter training in
Pensacola, Florida on
December 8, 2022.
“Patrolman Sean S.R. 236 between S.R. 93, in Summit Patrolman VanDenberg
VanDenberg Memorial County, and Lafayette Drive, in Stark served with the Lawrence
Highway”5 County. Township Police Department
for eight years. He died from
complications as a result of
contracting COVID-19 from
arresting and transporting a
COVID-19 positive suspect to
jail after serving a warrant.
2 R.C. 5534.183.
3 R.C. 5534.423.
4 R.C. 5534.486.
5 R.C. 5534.497.
P a g e |2 H.B. 380
As Passed by the House
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Designated Name Highway or bridge Biographical Information
“Corporal John E. Ruch U.S.R. 20 between Center Road and Corporal John E. Ruch, a
Memorial Highway”6 Gerald Road, in Ashtabula County. member of the Ohio State
Highway Patrol, was killed in
an automobile accident
during a high-speed pursuit
on March 4, 1942.
“Staff Sgt. Zachary U.S.R. 127 between Rd. 126 and Paulding Staff Sgt. Zachary Wobler,
Wobler Memorial County Rd. 60 in Paulding County. age 24, was killed on
Highway”7 February 6, 2005, by
insurgent fire in Iraq. He was
assigned to the U.S. Army’s
2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne
Infantry Regiment,
82nd Airborne Division.
“SSgt Gene F. Morrison The bridge spanning Indian Creek that is U.S. Marine Corps SSgt Gene
Memorial Bridge”8 part of S.R. 47 in Darke County and is F. Morrison died on June 3,
immediately outside the municipal 1968, while serving in
corporation of Versailles. Vietnam.
“Delaware County I-71 in Delaware County.
Veterans Memorial
“Vienna Township The bridge spanning S.R. 11 and being a
Veterans Bridge”10 part of Niles Vienna Road, in Vienna
Township, Trumball County.
6 R.C. 5534.499.
7 R.C. 5534. 614.
8 R.C. 5534.616.
9 R.C. 5534.653.
10 R.C. 5534.655.
P a g e |3 H.B. 380
As Passed by the House
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Designated Name Highway or bridge Biographical Information
“Specialist Five Frederick S.R. 7, between Archers Fork Road and Specialist Five Frederick
Wayne Taylor Memorial Grandview Hill Road, in Washington Wayne Taylor served in the
Highway”11 County. U.S. Army’s 25th Infantry
Division in the Vietnam War.
He was killed in action by
communist forces on May
15, 1968.
“Army Corporal Charles U.S.R. 68, between Dallas Road and Army Corporal Charles E.
E. Hiltibran Memorial Hickory Grove Road, in Champaign Hiltibran served in the
Highway”12 County. Korean War and was
reported missing in action on
December 2, 1950, after his
unit was attacked by
communist forces near the
Chosin Reservoir, North
Korea. Following the battle,
his remains could not be
recovered, but were finally
returned to the U.S. on
August 1, 2018.
“Sgt. Cory M. Endlich S.R. 172 between 17th Street NW and U.S. Army Sgt. Cory M.
Corridor”13 32nd Street NW, in Stark County. Endlich grew up in Massillon,
Ohio. He died from enemy
small-arms fire while on
patrol in Taji, Iraq on June 9,
“Ottawa County S.R. 163, between Fostoria Road and
Veterans Memorial Hartshorn Road, in Ottawa County.
11 R.C. 5534.656.
12 R.C. 5534.659.
13 R.C. 5534.661.
14 R.C. 5534.663.
P a g e |4 H.B. 380
As Passed by the House
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Designated Name Highway or bridge Biographical Information
“Lance Corporal Austin B. S.R. 44 between Prouty Road and Mentor Lance Corporal Austin B.
Schwenk Memorial Avenue, in Lake County. Schwenk died on October 18,
Highway”15 2023, at the U.S. Marine
Corps Camp Lejeune Military
Base in North Carolina after
being shot in an on-base
barracks room.
“Army PFC Herbert S. U.S.R. 68, between Township Road (T.R.) U.S. Army PFC Herbert S.
Bechtel Memorial 219 East and County Road 37, in Logan Bechtel served in the
Highway”16 County. Vietnam War and was killed
in action by communist
forces on August 25, 1966.
On the day of his death, he
served as a machine gunner
for his platoon. Despite
receiving multiple serious
injuries, he was able to both
retrieve additional
ammunition for other
gunners and manage
multiple machine guns
himself in order to cover the
extraction of other casualties
from the battlefield. His
bravery and sacrifice
posthumously earned him
the Distinguished Service
Cross (the U.S. Army’s
second highest award for
“Patrolman Frank J. S.R. 235, between T.R. 43 and S.R. 47, in Patrolman Frank J. Hossler
Hossler Memorial Logan County. was killed in an automobile
Highway”17 crash while on patrol on
September 22, 1956.
15 R.C. 5534.664.
16 R.C. 5534.667.
17 R.C. 5534.669.
P a g e |5 H.B. 380
As Passed by the House
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Designated Name Highway or bridge Biographical Information
“Licking County Veterans S.R. 161 in Licking County.
Memorial Highway”18
“Army SSgt. Charles V. U.S. 33 commencing at mile marker 24 Staff Sgt. Charles Kettler
Kettler Memorial and proceeding in an easterly direction to served during World War II in
Highway”19 mile marker 29, in Auglaize County. the U.S. Army 37th Infantry
Division – known as the
“Buckeye Division.” On July
11, 1943, he was mortally
wounded while
counterattacking a Japanese
machine gun position. On his
own, he destroyed the
position with grenades, but
sacrificed his life to do so,
succumbing to wounds. He
earned the Silver Star for his
“Army Sgt. Herbert C. S.R. 29 between mile marker 20 and mile U.S. Army Sgt. Linville served
Linville Memorial marker 25, in Auglaize County. during World War II in the
Highway”20 37th Infantry Division –