Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 373 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 373’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Introduced
Primary Sponsors: Reps. Wiggam and Stewart
Effective date:
Larry Gunter, Jr., Research Analyst
Adds a clerk of a court of common pleas (“clerk”) to the list of entities that, under
certain circumstances, are authorized to conduct a physical inspection of a motor
vehicle, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle when the owner applies for an
Ohio certificate of title.
Authorizes the clerk to collect a $5 service fee for the physical inspection.
The bill adds a clerk of a court of common pleas (“clerk”) to the list of entities that are
authorized to conduct a physical inspection of all of the following:
1. A motor vehicle most recently registered in another state when the owner of the vehicle
applies for an Ohio certificate of title;1
2. An off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle that contains a manufacturer’s
permanent identification number (“VIN number”), but that does not have an Ohio
certificate of title (unless the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle is new and
sold by a licensed dealer accompanied by a manufacturer’s or importer’s certificate of
origin);2 and
1 R.C. 4505.061(B).
2 R.C. 4519.56(B).
January 25, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
3. An off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle most recently registered in another
state when the owner of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle applies for
an Ohio certificate of title.3
The bill allows, but does not require, the clerk to offer physical inspections. If the clerk
offers the inspections, the inspections must take place at the office of the clerk. When
conducting an inspection, the clerk must verify the make, body type, model, mileage, and VIN
number of any motor vehicle and the make, year, series or model (if any), body type, and VIN
number of any off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle.
Currently, only a deputy registrar’s office or a licensed Ohio motor vehicle dealer may
perform these physical inspections. The deputy registrar or dealer may charge a $5 service fee
for the inspection. Accordingly, the bill extends the authority to charge the $5 service fee to a
clerk that conducts an inspection. The bill retains law that requires the clerk to process a
physical inspection certificate and issue the title, regardless of the entity that conducts the
physical inspection.4
Action Date
Introduced 01-08-24
3 R.C. 4519.69.
4 R.C. 4505.061(E), 4519.56(B), and 4519.69.
P a g e |2 H.B. 373
As Introduced
Statutes affected: As Introduced: 4505.061, 4519.56, 4519.69